We Had Better Stand By One Another Because Washington Sure As Hell Is Not!
"The action I am taking is no more than a radical measure to hasten the explosion of truth and justice. I have but one passion: to enlighten those who have been kept in the dark, in the name of humanity which has suffered so much and is entitled to happiness. My fiery protest is simply the cry of my very soul. Let them dare, then, to bring me before a court of law and let the enquiry take place in broad daylight!"
- Emile Zola, J'accuse! (1898) –
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Markiarchy: Should Obama Investigate the Bush Regime?
By mooglar
I think it is the same mistake Nancy Pelosi made in refusing (and ruling out a priori) to impeach eitherBush or Cheney. Yes, undertaking war crimes investigations and prosecutions is a huge gamble that will take a great deal of ...
Markiarchy - http://markiarchy.blogspot.com/
Democrats and the Bloodbath in Gaza: In Sync with the Bush ...
Dissident Voice - Santa Rosa,CA,USA
While Kucinich’s urgent pleas seem to have fallen mostly on deaf ears, he has managed to .... was recently featured as a guest on NBC’s Meet the Press. ...
Israeli Prime Minister Brags About Giving Orders to Bush
By Steve Benen, Washington Monthly
The U.S. Secretary of State helped write and "fully supports" a resolution, and then suddenly decides she doesn't want to vote for it? Read more »
Reassessing the International Criminal Court: Ten Years Past Rome
Ten years ago, the International Criminal Court was established by an international statute. Since that time, one U.S. president has signed it and another has disavowed it. Today, the transition under way in the U.S. government, combined with the charges leveled by the prosecutor of the court in the Darfur case, suggest a reappraisal of Washington’s relationship with the new tribunal is now timely. The Century Foundation would like to invite you to join a breakfast roundtable Reassessing the International Criminal Court: Ten Years Past Rome on Tuesday, January 13, 2009. View video here.
Guantánamo and Beyond: What to Do about Detentions, Trials, and the “Global War” Paradigm
Among the many mega-headaches facing the incoming administration, the Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp poses unique dangers, symbolically and operationally. By detaining hundreds of prisoners there, without access to lawyers or to the courts, the United States probably has neutralized some dangerous terrorists and acquired useful intelligence, but we also have damaged relationships with our allies and fomented hatred against us, creating many violent extremists in the world at large for every one that we held in Guantánamo. In this new publication from the Agenda Series, Stephen J. Schulhofer discusses how the new administration can restore domestic and international principles by relying upon the pre–September 11 institutions of military and civilian justice. Download the publication (PDF).
Will the Bush/Cheney Crimes Get Flushed Down the Memory Hole?
By Jane Hamsher, Firedoglake
I'm not sure the "villagers," such as they are, control the conversation any more.Read more »
Cheney claims "it would have been unethical or immoral for us not to" torture detainees.
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